Collaboration for improved health emergency preparedness at HERA symposium

Sierk Marbus, representing the coordination team of UNITED4Surveillance, attended the HERA symposium ‘Exploring Grants & Actions for Advancing Laboratory and Digital Capacities for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response’ on 4th and 5th April 2024 in Brussels. A great opportunity to crosslink with other HERA projects, such as EU-WISH, DURABLE, EU-HIP and WGS & RT-PCR projects. […]

Annual General Assembly meeting 2024

All project partners of the EU4Health project UNITED4Surveillance are invited for the yearly General Assembly meeting on 11 and 12 March 2024 in Zandvoort, the Netherlands. The meeting will be organized by project coordinator RIVM.  During the first day the progress and (preliminary) results of the different work packages will be presented, and insights and […]

UNITED4Surveillance at the 2023 ESCAIDE conference in Barcelona

We had the opportunity to showcase UNITED4Surveillance at the 2023 ESCAIDE conference in Barcelona from November 22 to 24! Our presentation offered an overview of the entire project and shared some exciting initial outcomes. We shared preliminary survey results highlighting challenges in sharing laboratory data for notifiable diseases. Around two-thirds of countries face legal constraints […]

UNITED4Surveillance presented in the 16th European Public Health Conference 2023

On the 10th of November, 2023 NVSC (the National Public Health Centre under the Ministry of Health from Lithuania, one of the UNITED4Surveillance consortium members) participated in the 16th European Public Health Conference.  As one of the panelists, NVSC presented UNITED4Surveillance in the workshop Fit for purpose surveillance – strategies to implement effective surveillance systems in EU/EEA […]

Workshop OneHealth surveillance (WP4)

Within WP4 all participating member states held national workshops on goal descriptions, stakeholderanalysis, and systems mapping. On September 29 Sciensano coordinated their national workshop about zoonotic influenza and salmonella surveillance in Belgium. For zoonotic influenza the main aim was to brainstorm on a sustainable surveillance system to detect human cases of animal influenza among workers […]

UNITED4Surveillance Infographic

We are proud to present the UNITED4Surveillance infographic! The infographic illustrates in a glance how the Joint Action UNITED4Surveillance will assist in our mission to be better prepared for future cross-border health threats.

UNITED4Surveillance Workshops

In the period from April to May 2023, Workshops were successfully held for Outbreak detection (WP2) in respectively Copenhagen and Berlin and for Hospital Surveillance (WP3) in Rome. The groundwork for ongoing collaboration within the UNITED4Surveillance is well established through these workshops. We are looking forward taking the next step to strengthen our infectious disease […]