About the project


The goal of this Joint Action is to assist member states and the EU in the deployment of digitalized and integrated surveillance systems, operating both at national and European level. With the aim to ensure better detection of early warning signs and more accurate risk assessment and coordinated response among the member states to any future cross-border health threats.

The consortium will address the objectives of the call by:

  1. Piloting solutions and sharing best practices that can be an integral part of national health systems.
  2. Defining a roadmap that promotes decentralization by supporting the alignment between the Member States in the development of interoperable, reliable, and comprehensive national health systems which are key for surveillance capacity building within Europe.


To ensure the successful implementation of the proposed integrated surveillance systems, the UNITED4Surveillance consortium will be dedicated to identify current impediments to the use of electronic health data for integrated surveillance and the development of an inventory of best practices for overcoming these barriers; to strengthen capacity building through continuous professional development; and to pilot innovative strategies for integrated infectious disease surveillance to be evaluated for their public health value.

The Joint Action grant will be used to assist with the capacity building at both national and EU levels, by means of an integrated surveillance system training package, piloting of new strategies, the sharing of expertise, and the development of common guidelines (i.e. a roadmap).

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted that timely sharing of laboratory test results is crucial for an informed response during an unfolding epidemic.

The aim of WP3 is to build a foundation for timely, comparable, and representative surveillance of severe infections leading to hospitalization in each member state

The close interactions between humans, animals and the environment hold a risk of emergence of infectious diseases, due to the likelihood of spillover events. Early warning surveillance at …

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